Tracy Morgan Drives Around Midtown, Listening to His Own Standup

July 30, 2013 | Andy Cush

According to Redditor JayDubz, who snapped the above photo, Tracy Morgan was driving down 7th Avenue in his Porsche, listening to his own standup. No word on when. A quick Googling (which Tracy is sure to appreciate) of the phone number on the awning in the full photo reveals Morgan was indeed on 7th, just down the block from Penn Station. In JayDubz’s own words: “I pointed at him and said ‘What up Tracy Morgan!’ He pointed back at me, smiled and said ‘I’M HILARIOUS.'”

Anecdotally, a few months ago, I saw Tracy Morgan driving down 8th Avenue near 44th Street, windows down and blasting music. When I tried to say hello, he just looked back and grimaced.

(Photo: JayDubz/Reddit)