Read Addie Wagenknecht’s Private LiveJournal Entries

September 23, 2014 | Marina Galperina

Artist Addie Wagenknecht (Webcam Venus, Prism Break BarbiePUSSYDRONEShas just published Technological Selection of Fate — a “fragile, glitchy” book of old, private LiveJournal entry excerpts.

I used my livejournal account from 2000-2009 as a place I defined as a private space where I shared mostly my relationships failures to my ‘online only’ friends. This group of people knew more about my life then even the person I was dating. In hindsight, these hundreds to thousands of private group based entries were an archive of my mistakes, permanently cached in servers for the rest of history.

Her editor says,

This book is almost unreadable.

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It is quite chopped, strangely formatted. But that only helps it feel like screaming fragments of something buried.

And yes, people still use LiveJournal. We’ve often talked about its importance as an outlet on the Russian internet, and why it is constantly under attack by government censors. In a time when nothing is private and anonymity is dead, the work seems very timely and personal.

Download the PDF here or read it below.