Condom Demonstrations Will Now Be Allowed In NYC Public Schools

June 2, 2015 | Liam Mathews

Starting in September, New York City public high school kids will be instructed on how to properly put on a condom in health classes, the AP reports. Prior to the change in policy, students who wanted a demonstration rather than verbal instructions had to go to a “health resource room.”

In a statement Monday, the city’s Department of Education said:

“Condom demonstrations have long been part of the high school condom availability programs and have been shown to increase rates of condom use. Allowing condom demonstrations in high school health education class will provide students with medically accurate information that can help them stay healthy.”

This announcement comes in tandem with Brooklyn rapper Lil Mama’s new song “Sausage,” which co-opts the #SausageMovement meme beloved by teens with a safe-sex message. Hopefully, Lil Mama’s song encourages teens to pay attention in health class.

(Photo: lets.book)