Art Burned In The Streets of Chelsea

January 17, 2013 | Irina Dvalidze

Just now, in front of Maurizio Cattelan’s Family Business Gallerywe witnessed the most cathartic exorcism of old work. After tearing down xeroxed and otherwise flammable work from their last show, the gutted insides of the small storefront gallery were stuffed into a trash can and burned in front of gathering crowd. A police cruiser made an appearance just before the molotov cocktail was triumphantly chucked into the sacrifice, and definitely before some of the onlookers became participants by jumping over the fire.

Considering the bloc party that Jayson Musson-curated art show catalyzed last year, this specticle is very much in line with Family Business Gallery’s rebellious spirit.



See more photos in the gallery.

(Photos: Marina Galperina/ANIMALNewYork)