The Millions March On Manhattan

December 14, 2014 | Bucky Turco

Tens of thousands of people protested against police injustice in Manhattan on Saturday. Dubbed the Millions March, protesters chanted and pumped signs as they walked from Washington Square Park to Midtown and then down to One Police Plaza. According to the organizers, family members of Mike Brown, Jordan Davis, Shantel Davis, Sean Bell, Emmitt Till, Alberta Spruill, Ramarley Graham, and Kimani Gray were all in attendance. Eric Garner’s mom, Gwen Carr, was in D.C. at a “Justice for All” march along with approximately 10,000 demonstrators.

The parade-like event in NYC was highly organized and there were no arrests or confrontations with the NYPD during the official event. [Obligatory mention of SantaCon and how some Santas showed support for the march while others mocked it.]

It was later on in the evening, when crowds broke off to participate in various FTP (Fuck the police) actions, that things got adversarial, as protesters blocked streets, shut down the Brooklyn Bridge, and reportedly assaulted two officers.

Click through the gallery above and check out the time-lapse video below that shows what approximately 30,000 people looks like.

(Photos: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork)