Random Acts of Kindness: Crochet Artist Passes Out Hearts In Union Square

February 3, 2015 | Aymann Ismail

Crochet artist London Kaye, who yarn-bombed the L train last year, is still leaving tangled threads of tangled yarn in her wake. The Brooklyn knitter, who has threaded tributes to Breaking Bad, the Olympics, and street art, is now into random acts of kindness.

Kaye recently took 1,000 crochet hearts to Union Square on an ordinary day two weeks ahead of Valentine’s Day to “spread the love.” Kaye told ANIMAL, “I have been giving out crochet hearts for a little while now and the response is worth noting! It makes people so happy.” On Saturday, she put up 700 hearts and passed out another 300 to strangers passing by. And Kaye’s little social experiment worked — within hours, people were connecting with her on social media with the #1000hearts.





(Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork)