Would You Sleep in This Fleshy, Bloody Meat Tent?

February 17, 2014 | Andy Cush

Andrea Hasler’s Matriarch references the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp, a historic protest in which 30,000 women gathered at a British air force base to stand against nuclear weapons. According to Hasler, the work metaphorically “[takes] the notion of the tents which were on site during the women’s peace camp as the container for emotions and [humanizes] these elements to create emotional surfaces.”

Hasler speeks at length about Matriarch and its companion works in the video below. They’re currently on display in an exhibition called Embrace the Base — named after an event at the women’s protest — in Berkshire, England.

What I’d like to know, though, is how much would it take for you to take it out the woods and spend the night inside?

(Photos: designboom)