September 27, 2013 Kyle Chayka

Artists Anthony Antonellis (the one with the RFID chip implant) and Kim Asendorf (the one who launched GIFs into space) eat food, just like us. As part of an exhibition for Berlin’s Art Hack Day — an internet-based nonprofit dedicated to “hackers whose medium is art and artists whose medium is tech” — artists Kim Asendorf, Andreas Nicolas Fischer, Sebastian Schmieg, Anthony Antonellis and Nora […]

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March 13, 2013 Marina Galperina

“I wanted to create a game that touched infinity,” Jonathan Minard explains. We’re in the dark lower level of 319 Scholes at the opening Art Hack Day: God Mode. To his right, bio-glitch artists in lab-coats explain How to be Anonymous in the Age of the DNA Surveillance. Behind him, visitors wave their arms, commanding mountains to morph […]

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