Polaroids of US Graffiti

June 2, 2014 | Sophie Weiner

Adam Void has been traversing America’s underground for most of his life, and since 2003 he’s been capturing it in Polaroid. This series documents “the beginnings of the Carolina’s graffiti scene, 2006-10 era Brooklyn Street Art/Weirdo Graffiti underground, Baltimore and Philly’s warehouse squat culture of the early 2010’s, and hundreds of pictures from America’s back roads; taken while freight-hopping, hitchhiking, driving, and touring across the US” as well as Void’s travels — everywhere he hitchhiked or train-hopped in between. The ad hoc nature of his work is ingrained in the photos themselves, which show the wear and tear of a life on the road. “Instant Photography,” Adam Void, Jun 6-Jun 24, Castell Photography Gallery, Asheville, North Carolina