Today is Martha Cooper’s birthday. In tribute to the stalwart graffiti photographer, LADY PINK, HOW, NOSM, FREE5, TERROR161, CRASH, DAZE, BIO, FREEDOM and other graffiti writers are currently working on this mural, to be finished later today. The mural was a surprise. They told Martha to come by 12 and there it was.
“It’s more awesome than awesome,” Martha Cooper tells ANIMAL. Here she is with FUTURA.
Here's the "MARTY" mural that graffiti writers LADY PINK, HOW, NOSM, FREE5, TERROR161, CRASH, DAZE, BIO, and FREEDOM finished over the weekend. The mural was a surprise birthday present for legendary graffiti photographer Martha Cooper, who told ANIMAL that "It was more awesome than awesome." It's only there for a few…
Just now, the ceremonial repainting of the Bowery Wall has begun. Next up on the highly trafficked spot -- graffiti artists REVOK (Los Angeles) and POSE (Chicago). Coincidentally, REVOK and POSE have a show at Jonathan Levine opening on June 29th. They'll begin soon. It's too hot to paint during the day.…
The ever-changing Bowery Wall is about to switch hands again. After a bunch of old school writers surprised street photographer Martha Cooper with a tribute mural over the weekend for her 70th birthday, the mighty CRASH is now getting started. Born John Matos, CRASH is not only a pioneer of…