Oh, just so you know, this has absolutely nothing to do with anything Pussy Riot stands for, except for the blatant hijacking of their signature balaclavas and the “Free Pussy Riot” song Peaches wrote for Pussy Riot. Every possible explanation that lingerie brand’s ad department is seeding into the YouTube comments by dropping the FreePussyRiot.org webpage is bullshit. Pussy Riot’s image, as it were, is deliberately non-sexualized. Not that there’s nothing wrong with that across the board; it’s just not Pussy Riot in any way. I mean, go ahead, if you like looking at anonymous cold semi-lingerie-covered body parts strutting in high heels down freezing Moscow streets. That’s fine. Do your thing. Just keep in mind that the most “activist” part of your involvement with this “cause” is you discarding the tissue into your trashcan afterwords.