Earlier today, the U.S House of Representatives Interior Appropriations Subcommittee approved its initial FY 2014 funding legislation which includes a proposed cut of approximately $71 million to the National Endowment for the Arts.
An arts budget decrease of this magnitude could effectively bring down the funding of the NEA to a mere $75 million, the lowest since since 1974. The NEA supports “public funding in dance, design, folk & traditional arts, literature, local arts agencies, media arts, multidisciplinary, museums, music, musical theater, opera, presenting, theater, and visual arts” and a cut this substantial would likely mean that numerous locally-operated arts organizations across the country would have a very difficult time making ends meet during the upcoming year.
The Americans for the Arts Action Fund has provided a customizable template that you may use to send a letter of concern to your Congress representatives regarding the 49% funding cut.