Uruguayan Legal Weed Will Be Cheap As Hell

August 7, 2013 | Andy Cush

Last week, we told you that Uruguay’s lower legislative house had passed an all-out cannabis legalization bill, that would allow and regulate the growing, sale, and use of the plant. Now, thanks to reporting from El Pais, we’ve learned of another facet of the legislation: weed prices will be fixed, and they will be fixed very low–to the tune of $2.50 a gram. To those unfamiliar, that’s a minuscule fraction of what you’d pay stateside, where chronic ranges in price from $10 to $25 a gram at dispensaries (and on the black market).

The bill is expected to pass the senate and be signed into law by Uruguayan President José Mujica, a staunch supporter of legalization. As we noted when news of the first bill hit, however, it won’t do you much good unless you’re a local. Weed purchase and consumption will only be legalized for Uruguayan citizens.