After a successful crowd funding campaign, Open Music Labs‘s Mixtape Alpha has been re-released. This small pocket-sized 8-bit synth comes complete with four voices, four effects, five-note polyphony, record, playback, and much more. In addition to each of these functions, the compact synthesizer can fit within the small confines of an audio cassette case, making it an ideal synth for travel as opposed to much larger, more expensive models.
The Mixtape Alpha features a stylophone style input for continuous tone generation, and six buttons for more discrete notes. The device looks simple, but it allows for much experimentation within its small parameters. If you want on of these handy little synths before they’re all gone, feel free to back this project, again.
Oh, and if you don’t have a cassette tape case — because who does? — Open Music Labs will kindly provide one for you.
(Image: CrowdSupply)