Would you like to randomly hook up with strangers (plural) using your phone? Do you find yourself in blissful, accidental monogamy, longing for eXXXtracurricular activities with your partner? Or are you one of those “unicorn” types?
Apparently there’s a new Tinder-type app called 3nder, for “Threesomes made easy.” This is “a service that works for singles and couples,” “swingers newbies, curious and experienced” and it comes with a mission too! Fuck more people (at the same time) because “we need to evolve our social acceptance.” Hurray! However, it’s possible that 3nder, like the original flavor of Tinder (vanilla), may result in awkwardness and privacy leaks.
And in case you too were wondering whether Spike Jonze’s Her would influence design, look at the design of Her and look at 3nder’s interface logo/color scheme. This all sort of makes sense, because remember that almost sex scene in Her, you know the one with that other girl, you know, can we talk about that one, that one was like, you know…