Tweet in Massive, Ridiculous Triptychs With Fuji Cannon

March 19, 2014 | Andy Cush

Here’s just the thing you need to take you Twitter obnoxiousness to the next level: Fuji Cannon, a tool that makes it easy to broadcast huge, three-tweet images like the one of handsome Mr. Fieri above. It’s simple enough to use. Just head here, log in with your Twitter account, and paste an image URL in the box to blast it out in all its towering, feed-dominating glory. Delight and infuriate your friends!

“We were simply looking for a way to stand out in the worlds most massive information stream, aka Twitter,” Kim Asendorf and Ole Fach, the artists who created Fuji Cannon, told ANIMAL via email. “The option to display images on your timeline completely changed the game. We appreciate that Twitter is constantly moving forward and it was just about us to recognize the possibility to create a tool like FUJI CANNON.”

Netro, Asendorf and Fach’s “internet agency,” previously created Gay Check Online, a website that skewers homophobia by purporting to know your sexual orientation based on facial features.

Why “Fuji Cannon”? Despite the resemblance, the name is apparently not in reference to any well-known camera brands. According to Asendorf and Fach, here’s what it means: “Big, ultra-prominent peak, exceptional symmetrical, frequently depicted in art and photographs, special place of scenic beauty. It is loud and has a long reach.”