Here are some quick highlights from the two-day 150-exhibitor Brooklyn Zine Fest from this weekend. From North Hampton: HQ Press featuring Emma Kohlmann (read the ANIMAL interview) featuring Satan’s Pussy. From Brooklyn: & with Nicole (a found diary reproduced in its entirety, with accompanying audio zine), Facial Unrecognition (a collection of vandalized advertising faces, with accompanying audio zine), and Sorry To Hear This News And Understand That The Fault Is Not From Me (a collection of spam emails in descending order of assured payment, with accompanying audio zine). Also: Duck Die Nasty from Wizard $kull, “lovable little books” from Bushwick Review, Marc Calvary’s from The Carbon Based Mistake box of artifacts in vials and nude nudes from tsurufoto nudiezine. (Photos: Marina Galperina/ANIMALNewYork)