Former NYPD Officer Charged With Anti-Semitic Vandalism

May 5, 2014 | Andy Cush

Michael Setiawan, a former member of New York’s finest, was arrested Sunday and charged with spray painting anti-Semitic messages all over Borough Park, Brooklyn — a heavily Orthodox Jewish neighborhood. Seitawan left the NYPD in 2007 and has been arrested six times since then, through previous charges against him have been sealed.

The New York Times explains:

The anti-Semitic messages began appearing before 9 p.m. on Saturday around 14th Avenue in Brooklyn. The police said about four buildings and 15 private cars were marked.

Soon after, the Borough Park Shomrim, a neighborhood watch group, shared video with a Jewish news website, JPUpdates, showing a man in the act of spray-painting a door. The police could not immediately say whether the man in the video was Mr. Setiawan.

We only wish that the paper of record — and Time magazine, for that matter — would stop calling this kind of amateur nonsense “graffiti.”

(Photo: @Justin Brown)