Well, This is Fucking Nuts: Team America: World Police Pulled From Screenings Amid Sony Hack

December 18, 2014 | Prachi Gupta

This has officially spiraled out of control: Not only is Sony trembling in fear after a bunch of hackers directed vague threats to theaters screening The Interview, but now Paramount Pictures has also canceled a showing of one the movies meant to take its place, Team America: World Police.

Like The Interview, Team America: World Police is a comedy in which Americans go after a North Korean dictator with the intention of killing him. Unlike The Interview, no one hacked a major corporation and sent dumb emails to executives threatening 9-11 level chaos that made them pee in their plush office chairs back in 2004. That’s why Alamo Drafthouse in Richardson, Texas, and other theaters figured it was the perfect film to promote right now:

Personally, I need to process this with an episode of South Park.