Snapchat is coming out with a webseries. The Hollywood Reporter has announced that the daughters of film director Steven Spielberg and producer John Goldwyn will write and star in a show called — wait for it — Literally Can’t Even. It will be a comedic take on the lives writing partners Sasha Spielberg (coming off a long term relationship) and Emily Goldwyn (in the middle of a “six-month cleanse”) in Los Angeles. Because it’s on Snapchat, each five-minute episode will be available for viewing for 24 hours.
It sounds like a Broad City rip-off, but Goldwyn calls it “perfect”:
Spielberg says the fleeting nature of each episode doesn’t take away from it. “It provides a clean slate each week,” she says.
The series has also been conceived to fit the medium, so the episodes run under five minutes and often employ a split screen to pack each shot with details from the scene.
Goldwyn explains that the episodes are written to feel like the audience is dropped into the lives of these characters for a few minutes each week. “These are snapshots of our life, which is perfect for Snapchat,” she says. “It feels perfect for the generation that we’re writing for.”
The original programming will be a part of Snapchat’s Discover feature: A news tool the company unveiled earlier this week where daily content from media companies such as Vice and (of course) Snapchat is offered to users, and refreshed every 24 hours.
In a conversation at Sundance, Star Wars creator George Lucas lamented that the current entertainment industry is becoming a “circus without any substance behind it.” With this news, it’s hard not to see his point.
(Photo: Maurizio Pesce)