Drinking with your bosses can be an awkward enough social experience as it is, so imagine how weird it would be to drink with your future bosses as part of the interview process. That’s what Anheuser-Busch InBev is doing with its new recruitment effort to beef up its new commercial strategy office in Manhattan, Crain’s reports.
The beer company is looking to fill 50 spots, and currently has around 600 eager work-hard play-hard types lined up. Only 100 of them will get a chance to show off how charming they are under the influence, however.
After Anheuser-Busch InBev execs judge the hell out of beer snobs and socially awkward people at a Friday night happy hour event, they will invite candidates back on Saturday morning for “panel interviews.” That sounds like some sanitized version of that grisly duel between the Mountain and the Viper in Game of Thrones — executives pelt candidates with questions, then sit back and watch as chaos unfolds:
“We tend to be pretty aggressive in those interviews, meaning sometimes we pit candidates against one another just to see how they stand up in our organization,” [U.S. Marketing Vice President Jorn] Socquet said. “If you just have these one-on-one interviews, we don’t know how you react in a social setting. And for us that is of such crucial importance.”
Advice to future candidates: As much as you are tempted to emulate the venerable leader Jon Snow in this situation, remember that he is a better fighter than he is a dinner guest.
(Photo: Thomas Hawk)