KATSU’s High Tech Vandalism Takes Flight Via Graffiti Drone In Soho

April 30, 2015 | Liam Mathews

Have you ever read Jonathan Lethem’s novel The Fortress of Solitude? The main characters, Dylan Ebdus and Mingus Rude, have a ring that gives them the power of flight. At one point, Mingus tags a high wall on the Brooklyn House of Detention, and people are baffled, because it appears that the only way to get up there is to fly.

That tag just happened in real life.

Graffiti writer (and art hacker) KATSU tagged a huge billboard at Lafayette and Houston with a drone. Wired landed the scoop and published a video that shows how he did it.

Sorry, Kendall Jenner, but your face belongs to KATSU now.

UPDATE: As of Friday afternoon, a different, undefaced Kendall Jenner billboard is in place at Lafayette and Houston.

(Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork)