Republican Congressman Flips on Sandy Aid After Seeing Staten Island

January 9, 2013 | Andy Cush

Mississippi Congressman Steve Palazzo was one of the 67 Republicans in the House of Representatives who voted “no” on a relatively small federal Sandy relief package last week. However, after visiting Staten Island and the Jersey Shore yesterday, he changed his tune, and vowed to support a larger aid bill when it is voted on next week. “I was reminded of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina. Mississippians have been through much of what the Sandy victims are experiencing,” he wrote in a statement last night. “Now is the time for the federal government to provide immediate relief to those affected by the storm. I am fully committed to providing the relief they so desperately need.”

Palazzo’s “yes” means the $51 billion aid package needs only four more votes to guarantee its passage through the House. If any other Congressmen would like to take a little mind-changing destruction tour, I’m sure Staten Island would be happy to have them.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/palazzo-vote-sandy-relief-bill-article-1.1236096#ixzz2HUFPwvn2

(Photo: DVIDSHUB/Flickr)