The NYPD Issued So Many Tickets To Cyclists in 2011, That 2012 Had No Chance

February 18, 2013 | Bucky Turco

The New York Post, sadly reports that police issued less tickets to “rogue cyclists” in 2012 compared to 2011, even though more and more people are riding bikes:

The number of rogue cyclists ticketed for traffic infractions in 2012 dropped by nearly 20 percent from the year before, despite growing numbers of bicycle riders on the streets, according to NYPD stats. Cops handed out 44,749 cyclists summons last year, down from 52,842 in 2011.

That comes out to roughly 144 tickets per day in 2011, a banner year for the NYPD. It’s when everyone from delivery men in Midtown to pro cyclists in Central Park were being ambushed with citations for traffic infractions, some of which didn’t even exist. So yeah, a dip back into relative normalcy seems about right. (Photo: Toby Bochan/flickr)