Ten Inwood Hill Park Geese Slaughtered by USDA

June 19, 2013 | Andy Cush

Here’s the first documented goose slaughter of 2013’s molting season. Volunteers with GooseWatch NYC encountered a roundup of about 10 birds and their goslings in progress at Inwood Hill Park this morning and snapped the above photo as USDA agents were leaving.

The city contracts the USDA to kill off geese each year in an attempt to lower the risk of the birds causing airplane accidents, despite little evidence that the practice actually helps.

“This morning marks another dark day for wildlife in city parks,” said GooseWatch founder David Karopkin. “New York City has contracted with USDA Wildlife Services, an agency known for its cruelty to animals and secrecy. Our organization is working to expose these inhumane animal practices and dangerous, unnecessary round-ups. We genuinely appreciate the support of so many animal lovers and volunteers who are committed to defending geese and other animals in our parks.”