Cops Who Bloodied 84-Year-Old Jaywalker Didn’t Use Excessive Force, Says Bratton

January 21, 2014 | Andy Cush

Over the weekend, the cops responded to the traffic death of a pedestrian on West 96th Street in what you might describe as a counterintuitive fashion: by ticketing other pedestrians for jaywalking. One such unlucky bystander Kang Wong, an 84-year-0ld Chinese man who doesn’t speak English. When Wong tried to walk away from cops — apparently not understanding that he was being ticketed — officers reportedly swarmed him, pushing him to the ground and leaving his face bloodied.

NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton defended the cops’ actions when asked, saying, “I’m not aware of excessive force in that at all,” and that “It was an unfortunate circumstance.”

Wong’s son told the Post that he’s “very disappointed — angry to say the very least,” and that he and his attorney are “strategizing” whether or not to sue the department.