De Blasio Wants More Affordable Housing at Domino Sugar Factory

March 3, 2014 | Andy Cush

The much-dreaded/anticipated redevelopment of the Domino Sugar Factory could be slowing down, as Mayor Bill de Blasio has asked for more affordable housing units than were agreed upon under the Bloomberg administration. Jed Walentas of developer Two Trees isn’t having it, and a continued disagreement could delay the future of the project. “I’d very much like to work this out with them,” Walentas told the New York Times. “But what they’re currently asking for is not workable.”

De Blasio says he proposed the change so that the development gives more back to the Brooklyn community, which hasn’t exactly been receptive to the project. “We think it’s important to also offer a lot back for the people. And that’s our simple standard,” he said. “I’m convinced that anyone who looks at the balance and fairness of what we’re approaching will come to a deal with us, and that will allow us to create a lot more benefit for communities, starting with affordable housing.”

In an attempt to salvage the deal, Two Trees has submitted a new proposal that would ensure 660 affordable housing units in the new Domino complex. The City Planning Commision will vote on the project Wednesday.