Category: Art
ANIMAL showcases a different street artist regularly in our feature, Scratching the Surface. This week, we profile BKFoxx.. Name/Alias: BKFoxx Decade you were born in: I’m a late ’80s model. City you currently live: Somewhere on Long Island. Drugs or natural highs? Mostly sugar. How did you get your name? My initials are BK. And […]
ANIMAL’s feature Game Plan asks game developers to share a bit about their process and some working images from the creation of a recent game. This week, we spoke with Markus Koos, Sedir Ajeenah and Jonas Lindberg Nyvang — of game developer Isbit Games, ad agency Garbergs and clothing label Björn Borg, respectively — about […]
ANIMAL showcases a different street artist regularly in our feature, Scratching the Surface. This week, we profile Magda Love. Name/Alias: Magda Love. Decade you were born in: Oh the wonderful ’70s! City you currently live: Brooklyn, New York. Drugs or natural highs? Natural highs have always being very powerful for me. I have learned more […]
ANIMAL’s feature Game Plan asks game developers to share a bit about their process and some working images from the creation of a recent game. This week, we spoke with Lucie Viatgé, Tom Victor and Titouan Millet of the Klondike Collective about Naut, a trippy game made in two days. These days, it’s not unusual […]
ANIMAL showcases a different street artist regularly in our feature, Scratching the Surface. This week, we profile Buff Monster. Name/Alias: Buff Monster. Decade you were born in: The end of the ’70s. City you currently live: Brooklyn. Drugs or natural highs? Never done drugs. Never even smoked a cigarette. How did you get your name? […]
ANIMAL’s feature Game Plan asks game developers to share a bit about their process and some working images from the creation of a recent game. This week, we spoke with Sean Vesce of E-Line Media and writer Ishmael Hope about Never Alone (Kisima Inŋitchuŋa), a lesson in “accidental ethnography.” Until a few years ago, E-Line […]
ANIMAL’s feature Artist’s Notebook asks artists to show us their original “idea sketch” next to a finished artwork or project. For this edition, Nathan Doverspike explains how he created his “New York Island” map. When researching the history of New York I created a mind map of all the possible objects I could add in […]
ANIMAL showcases a different street artist regularly in our feature, Scratching the Surface. This week, we profile GILF!. Name/Alias: GILF! Decade you were born in: ’80s. City you currently live: Trashwick, Brooklyn. Drugs or natural highs? Adrenaline is a far greater high than anything else I’ve tried. How did you get your name? Gilf was […]
ANIMAL’s feature Game Plan asks game developers to share a bit about their process and some working images from the creation of a recent game. This week, we spoke with James Beech of Neon Serpent LLC about Ultraworld, the story of an artificial intelligence paralyzed by uncertainty. Lots of video games break the fourth wall, […]
ANIMAL showcases a different street artist regularly in our feature, Scratching the Surface. This week, we profile Cake. Name/Alias: Jennifer Caviola, aka Cake. Decade you were born in: ’70s. City you currently live: For the past two years I have been rotating between Brooklyn, Berlin and Connecticut. Drugs or natural highs? Whatever natural high sobriety […]