Category: News
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Meet Stevelly, an inflatable elephant that for some reason or another — probably art — has been photographed all around the Bronx. (Photo: nyfx/Flickr) […]
The above image comes from NASA’s Black Marble series of satellite photos, which caused quite a stir when it was released online last month–look at all the beautiful lights, the tiny cities! But as it turns out, one of those clusters of illumination isn’t a city at all; it’s an enormous cluster of fracking outposts, sending hundreds […]
After a year of legal purgatory following a bogus (if not career-enhancing) assault charge in London, crochet-bombing street queen Olek has finally returned to her old stomping grounds — and she’s wasted no time reacquainting New Yorkers with her work. Apparently using the city’s recent blustery cold spell as her muse, Olek is back at […]
Canadian artist Jeremy Bailey would like you to know that you’re appreciated–if you give him money, that is. So he’s taking to Kickstarter, creating augmented reality portraits of any backer willing to donate $149 or more to help put on his next show, an exhibition of portraits of Kickstarter backers. Convenient! The whole thing is […]
Here’s a new favorite single-serving Tumblr for your entertainment: Baseball Card Vandals. The site takes baseball cards with no value and turns them into jokes with the aid of a Sharpie and some creativity. Even if you’re not a fan of the sport, you’ll be able to enjoy a third baseman altered to look like […]
Dripping faucets are a wasteful nuisance, but as this video shows, dripping fire hydrants are much, much worse. This video taken on Nelson Avenue in the Bronx shows how in this cold weather, a small leak over time can coat a large part of the street in ice. It’s rather fascinating (and dangerous). There’s a […]
Photographer Cy Kuckenbaker created the above film, in which six hours of departures from San Diego International Airport happen in just 30 seconds. But it isn’t done in the timelapse style you’re used to–Kuckenbaker doesn’t simply fast forward through each takeoff; he shows them all at the same time. How did Kuckenbaker pull it off? […]
ANIMAL’s feature Artist’s Notebook asks artists to show us their original idea sketch next to a finished piece. This week, Eva and Franco Mattes tell us about their piece Catt (2010) and trolling Maurizio Cattelan. Known for their provocative projects that involve and expose its willing and unwilling participants, Eva and Franco Mattes have stolen many little bits […]
The police department of Wichita, Kansas is still searching for a culprit in a case of missing weed from their evidence department. They have no specific suspects yet, but they’ve at least been able to narrow things down to a particular species: peromyscus maniculatus, the common mouse. That search produced the above image, perhaps the most […]
On Thursday, a low-quality mp3 of the 10-minute first single from the Knife’s first album in seven years leaked onto the internet. Later that day, it was pulled down. The next day, the track’s epic, slightly NSFW music video popped up on a Swedish streaming site. Later that day, it was pulled down. If you, like […]