October 1, 2013 Andy Cush

Goose, Hell’s Kitchen. (Photo: Bucky Turco/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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September 30, 2013 Yossera Bouchtia

Last night, the Museum of The Moving Image presented a live screening of the highly acclaimed  AMC television series Breaking Bad on the big screen of their Redstone Theater. We spoke fans after the show. Everyone was satisfied with the conclusion, except for THIS GUY. “I didn’t get the ending,” he said. “I just felt like it wasn’t […]

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Andy Cush

The write-in vote remains one of the greatest, most useless tools in the American democratic system. Don’t like the assholes offered up by your political party of choice? Just write in literally anyone else–your dad, your high school English teacher, your favorite cartoon character. It’s often a gesture without any pragmatic effect, but writing in […]

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Marina Galperina

ANIMAL’s feature Artist’s Notebook asks artists to show us their original “idea sketch” next to a finished piece. This week, Los Angeles-born, Brooklyn-based street artist Buff Monster talks about creating his new mural in Williamsburg. Read about his process and check out our video interview below. I rarely ever draw, and when I do, it’s always very very […]

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Matthew Ramirez

No one was prepared for Danny Brown’s XXX, a five-star, perfect ten, best-of-decade contender that instantly became one of my favorite records ever. Coming off eight full-length mixtapes and one LP, Danny Brown achieved something he’d aimed toward his entire career, yet for a mainstream audience, XXX was the perfect debut. He has two separate […]

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Marina Galperina

The very popular television show about a high school chemistry teacher-turned-drug king pin ended last night. So, what are Breaking Bad addicts to do, now that they’ve been cut off… forever? Well, they could head over to the corner of Dekalb and Spencer, where artist London Kaye O’Donnell, who has been crocheting her “heart out” since she was […]

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Amy K. Nelson

For most graffiti artists in Beirut, the two stores in town are way too expensive. “You can find spray paint at any regular paint store in this city,” local graffiti artist PHAT 2 says. PHAT 2’s been writing since 2008. He’s 25 now, and runs one of the top crews in Beirut, ACK (All City […]

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Bucky Turco

Jesse, Williamsburg. (Photo: Bucky Turco/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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September 27, 2013 Aymann Ismail

Giving signed dollar bills to newly-opened businesses has been a New York tradition for time immemorial. Of course, The Newsstand pop-up art/zine/record store — underground at the Lorimer/Metropolitan L/G subway stop — did this a little differently. Their good luck bills are signed by graffiti writers (and artsy personalities) such as CHINO, KUMA, NECKFACE, and […]

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Nowadays, there are dozens of vaporizer choices. From fancy tabletop versions to state-of-the-art portable models, smokers have a bevy of options. But back in the day, there were “hot knives.” It’s a simple-but-efficient DIY method for smoking hash, but with the rising popularity of dabs, works well for them too. Here’s a step by step […]

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