July 17, 2013 Kyle Chayka

You probably haven’t run into the artist LaTurbo Avedon at a new media gallery opening or bummed a cigarette outside “the club.” She has a shock of bright blonde hair recently shaved down to that undercut that’s so popular at the moment, misty hazel eyes, and porcelain skin, plus a hyperactive social media presence to […]

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Marina Galperina

Pacific Rim (2013) BBBOOOOOOOOOOOMMM. Glurgh glurgh GLURGH GLURGH GLURGH GROOOOARGH!!!! Big monster, ugly. Much city fall down. CRASH. KABLOW, KAKAKABLOW. More, bigger monsters destroy questionable futuristic metropolises. Giant robots and shit, with people inside. Dramatic score. DRAMTIC-ER SCORE!!! BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Yey. SCIENCE: 1.5 out of 5 An inter-dimensional asshole rips open at the bottom […]

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Backdoor Pharmacist

If you don’t know what a Quaalude is, find an old person — anyone who would have been in their teens and twenties in the ‘70s and ‘80s. Ask them about “ludes.” If you can’t, read on. The chemical name for Quaalude (“kway-lewd”) is methaqualone (“meth-uh-kway-loan”). Methaqualone and its most common chemical relatives etaqualone and […]

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Kyle Chayka

Yesterday, free Wi-Fi service was launched at thirty-two of New York City’s parks. Because we are fond of the internet, we decided to make you a comprehensive map listing WiFi-equipped parks for those in need of a free signal. High-speed internet is becoming a ubiquitous part of our public spaces. Yey! Note that users are […]

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Marina Galperina

Henri, Hell’s Kitchen. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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July 16, 2013 Samer Kalaf

Out of all of the social media apps available, Tinder is the most fascinating. For the unfamiliar, here’s how it works: link your Facebook to the app for a photo and a few other details, set a search radius and preferred gender(s), and swipe the endless stream of potential partners left for no, or right […]

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Andy Cush

“Listen In” is a weekly feature in which we ask musicians to curate a mixtape-length YouTube playlist of songs they’re currently digging. This week’s playlist comes from Dirty Beaches, whose acclaimed new album Drifters/Love Is the Devil synthesizes sounds as disparate as drone, minimal classical music, early rock and roll, and industrial. For his mix, Dirty Beaches’ […]

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Daniel Kolitz

Here’s how the hottest star-studded party would play out, according to the Printed Internet. […]

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Marina Galperina

Sydney, Murray Hill. (Photo: Bucky Turco/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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July 15, 2013 Marie Calloway

The third week of emails from Miranda July’s We Think Alone project was sent out today. After “money” and “advice,” the latest topic is Barack Obama. Or rather, emails that mention Barack Obama. A little bit. The emails are mostly complimentary of the president and are dated during the earlier parts of his administration. Kareem Abdul Jabbar […]

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