July 5, 2013 Aymann Ismail

The annual Macy’s fireworks show took place last night and as much as we’d like for the department store chain to alternate the display between the Hudson River and East River — so Brooklyn doesn’t get jerked every year — holding the spectacle on Manhattan’s West Side certainly has its perks, especially when your offices […]

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Marina Galperina

Marina, Hell’s Kitchen. (Photo: Ayman Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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July 3, 2013 Marina Galperina

More than two million people showed up to watch and cheer on the 2013 Pride Parade that stretched for more than two miles through Manhattan. They left behind a little something. A lot of little somethings. As you can see, these NYPD barricades have been festooned with stickers from LGBT rights groups, support organizations and […]

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Nate Cepis

News Vines is ANIMAL’s reoccurring series in which we retell current events in six-seconds or less. In this edition, Usher “curates” Macy’s Fourth of July fireworks show in New York. #NewsVines: Usher "Curates" Macy's Fourth of July Fireworks https://t.co/SqRWrxnzRk — ANIMALNewYork (@ANIMALNewYork) July 3, 2013 […]

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Andy Cush

For the past few weeks, commuters at the Lorimer/Metropolitan L/G subway stop have been privy to a bit of routine-breaking magic. In the place of an ordinary newsstand, hawking candy bars, bottles of water, and outdated magazines, is the Newsstand–a temporary space devoted to selling art of all kinds, its shelves overflowing with zines, records, […]

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Marina Galperina

This Is the End (2013) Mainstream comedy movie, funny. All the celebrities! Playing “themselves.” Seth Rogen & Jay Baruchel (who?) at James Franco’s house party; THE APOCALYPSE AND SHIT. Meta-commentary on the frivolous conceptual currency of celebrity. Survivalist slapstick. Hollywood big budgetry. Rihanna is hot. Smoke weed.   THE FRANCO OVERLOAD FACTOR:   2.5 out of 5 Much Franco!  “Franco, […]

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Andy Cush

“Responsive Web Design” refers to the idea that a website should look as good on any one platform as it does on any other. See how, when you resize this window, the top image gets a little bigger and smaller with it? That’s responsive web design (RWD). It makes sense–you want your website to make […]

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Aymann Ismail

Half of ANIMAL’s staff lives in that part of Brooklyn where Williamsburg meets Bushwick. Sometimes, some of us walk under this art-like construction, perched precariously on an arch outside the Borinquen Plaza Houses. As that particular section isn’t the neighborhood’s most swankiest piece of real estate, there are a few overdue repairs to be made, for […]

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Marina Galperina

Franco, Hell’s Kitchen. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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July 2, 2013 Andy Cush

To mark the upcoming release of his new album-cum-viral-marketing-stunt, Magna Carta Holy Grail, Jay-Z created some shiny, mostly contentless promotional books, then sent fans on a scavenger hunt to find them. Inside was the album’s tracklist accompanied by black bars that look like censored lyrics–I’d call it some kind of comment on NSA surveillance, but even that […]

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