May 16, 2013 Andy Cush

Remember that thing I said about design-y pop cultural mashups being internet gold? Well, here you go. An illustrator and designer who goes by Billy Butcher gave a bunch of ’80s punks and rock stars a DC Comics makeover, turning Morrissey into Superman, Ian Curtis into Batman, Siouxee into Wonder Woman, and slew of others. […]

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Allison Bagg

Alexandr, Hell’s Kitchen. (Photo: Bucky Turco/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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May 15, 2013 Matt Harvey

Across the country, from legal 21-and-over Denver dispensaries to black-market NYC delivery services, steeply priced strains of “killer bud”—so thick with tricome crystals they shimmer like snow-covered pine trees—are readily available. OG Ghost Train Haze, Headband, Blue Dream, Lemon Diesel, and Kosher Kush (and dozens of other similarly named varieties), pick your poison. Containing levels […]

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Allison Bagg

Seva, Tompkins Square Park. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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May 14, 2013 Andy Cush

Come across a poster like the two above on your commute recently? Laid out in classic MTA style, but adorned with Orwellian imagery and an appropriately ambiguous hashtag, they warn of two possible hazards to your health: an upcoming “airborne non-toxic test” in which the NYPD will disperse “harmless, colorless gas” around the five boroughs, […]

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ANIMAL presents Stupid Calculations, a new series where practical statistics get rendered into utterly useless ones. Look forward to such topics as orange peels, whales, high-priced escorts, elevators, swimming pools, and tears of joy. Who among you haven’t wondered how many dried tears it would take to fill a salt shaker or how long it […]

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Andy Cush

“Listen In” is a weekly feature in which we ask musicians to curate a mixtape-length YouTube playlist of songs they’re currently digging. After over a decade’s worth of music that ran the full spectrum of bad vibes–from “twitchy anxiety” to “slowly creeping dread”– Liars’ sixth album is at once their most welcoming and the largest step […]

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Allison Bagg

T-Mack, Port Authority. (Photo: Bucky Turco/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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May 13, 2013 Andy Cush

To create Venus of Google, Matthew Plummer-Fernandez first took a photograph. Then, he uploaded that photo, of “a box filled with feathers and LEDs,” into Google’s reverse image search. After this image of a woman in a “Body Wrap” arrived in the results, Plummer-Fernandez used his own algorithm, similar to Google’s, to sculpt a blank digital slate […]

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Marina Galperina

This… is “dickhead.” Quite literally. In potēntia is a recent, ethically-challenging project from researcher/artist Guy Ben-Ary and academic/artist Dr. Kirsten Hudson. The artists purchased human foreskin cells online and reverse-engineered them back into their embryonic state, then genetically manipulated those stem cells to grow into a neural network, a “brain.” Or, you know, force-chopped off flesh from living human […]

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