Category: Takeover
After making in the news in a bad way with a donnybrook involving Frank Ocean, Chris Brown took to his art in order to cool off some nerves. He put a picture of his work on Instagram with the caption, “Painting the way I feel today. Focus on what matters!” So, he feels persecuted like […]
In what has to be one of the most unlikely collaborations between street art and something else, here is “Les Ballets de Faile.” The upcoming exhibition features the work of Brooklyn-based art duo Faile and the New York City Ballet. The centerpiece of the exhibit is a 40-foot tower installation made from painted (and silkscreened) wood […]
Cab Roulette is a recurring series in which comedian Dan Speiser interviews cab drivers about their experiences on the job. This week Dan meets Induhussein, a former accounting teacher from Bangladesh, who doesn’t drink or smoke but does get down to some Bangladeshi music. Episode 1: Abdulai Episode 2: Tony Episode 3: Adama Episode 4: […]
You’d think the plasmodial slime mold is already fascinating enough. It can solve puzzles. It can make music. It’s, essentially, an intelligent, slithering alien goo. But wait. There’s more. Creeping Garden is a new documentary produced, researched and directed by Tim Grabham and Jasper Sharp and it’s “a real life science fiction movie” featuring fringe scientists, artists and […]
ANIMAL’s feature Artist’s Notebook asks artists to show us their original idea sketch next to a finished piece. This week, Eva and Franco Mattes tell us about their piece Catt (2010) and trolling Maurizio Cattelan. Known for their provocative projects that involve and expose its willing and unwilling participants, Eva and Franco Mattes have stolen many little bits […]
Oh, no big deal, it’s just A TANK ROLLING THROUGH A HIGHWAY!!! And the best part, the utter nonchalance of the driver and his passenger. They’re like, “Oh. Look. A tank.” In monotone. As terrible Russian pop music bleats softly in the background. Oop, and there it went. Rollin’ on then. On the Russian dash-cam forums, […]
On Thursday, a low-quality mp3 of the 10-minute first single from the Knife’s first album in seven years leaked onto the internet. Later that day, it was pulled down. The next day, the track’s epic, slightly NSFW music video popped up on a Swedish streaming site. Later that day, it was pulled down. If you, like […]
Artist Heather Dewey-Hagborg GOT YOUR FACE! No, really. Remember that strand of hair you left on in the bathroom stall, that piece of gum you dropped in a bodega, the cigarette butt you chucked on the side of the street? Yoink. With the help of the community biolab at Genspace in Brooklyn, Dewey-Hagborg build a 3D modeling software that analyzing the […]
Unlike the days of old when only initiated members were allowed inside its hallowed halls, the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of the State of New York has increasingly cast away its veils of secrecy and opened its doors to the public. They even do tours. Here’s what the inside of the fraternal […]
Here comes Henry Hill and he’s going to beat you, Google Street View truck dude! This Google Street Scene tumblr has one the best movie net art collections you’ll ever see. The shot-scouting and Photoshop wizardry looks damn meticulous. Blue Velvet house? Check. Godfather ambush spot? Check. Unbridled cinephiliac excitement? Checkity-check-check. “The address is approximate.” Well, no shit. […]