July 28, 2014 Marina Galperina

Lucy (2014) This is Luc Besson’s Cujo. Scarlett Johansson is like dumb, wakes up with a bag of fictional drugs inside her stomach. It leaks and suddenly, something about her brain. Superpowers. LOOKED COOL FOR A FEW SECONDS: 2.0 out of 5.0 Like when her hand was TWO hands. And on the airplane, when she bursts into […]

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Bucky Turco

Renowned graffiti artists GHOST and GIZ kicked-off ANIMAL’s Pub(lic) Art project by painting this very loud and colorful opus on a wall in Hell’s Kitchen at 44th Street and 11th Avenue. The owner of McQuaids Restaurant & Pub is graciously allowing us to curate the space, with no strings attached. Our plan is to cycle in […]

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Marina Galperina

ANIMAL’s feature Artist’s Notebook asks artists to show us their original “idea sketch” next to a finished artwork or project. This week, artist Lucas Ajemian talks about his installation “Analog dispersion piece / to be named upon dissemination, if / to scatter a parse to scale / inaccessible volume and phase out of order / descendant / aspirational […]

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July 24, 2014 Michael Rougeau

ANIMAL’s feature Game Plan asks video game developers to share a bit about their process and some working images from the creation of a recent game. This week, we spoke with Ziba Scott of Popcannibal about Elegy for a Dead World, a game in which players concoct their own stories about long-gone civilizations. Ziba Scott’s […]

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Marina Galperina

Through a nondescript door on South 3rd Street, for $5 a seat, you can catch some of the strangest, rarest, most controversial films ever made, every night at Spectacle. Starting July 24th through August 28th, the collectively-run volunteer-staffed screening space in Williamsburg is taking part in “The MAD Biennial” at the Museum of Arts and Design in Manhattan. The […]

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Amy K. Nelson

The block on Bergen Street in Brooklyn was already filling by 5PM on Wednesday night. People were gathering for the funeral of Eric Garner, the 43-year-old man who died last week after an NYPD plain clothes officer was captured on video putting the Staten Island father of six in a chokehold. I asked everyone one […]

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July 23, 2014 Sophie Weiner

ANIMAL’s Radicals Of Retrofuturism uncovers stories by the technological rebels of the past in vintage media and looks at their predictions in the context of today’s digital world. This week, we take a look at Charles Csuri’s “Random War” illustration inside a 1970 Sam Shepard playbill. Operation Sidewinder, the 1970 play by luminary Sam Shepard, […]

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Peter Yeh

Yearly global military spending has surpassed $1.75 trillion, with defense budgets eagerly bolstered by dick-waving patriotism. In this crowded market, how does a weapons dealer advertise its product to potential customers, Congressmen looking for kickbacks, generals who need iron Viagra, and El Presidente? A sleek promotional video presentation on YouTube should do it. This is […]

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July 22, 2014 Amy K. Nelson

It’s 8:00PM on a Saturday night in mid-July and I’m standing in chest-high river water, attached to an inflatable float, alongside a man dressed like an aquatic Arabian prince. I’m here, in this undisclosed location — namely, a dirty river near New York City — because I’ve been invited to a super secret illegal cave […]

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Sophie Weiner

“Listen In” is a weekly feature in which we ask musicians to curate a mixtape-length YouTube playlist of songs they’re currently digging. Click the big play button above to hear the whole playlist or scroll down to see and hear individual tracks. Stephen McBean of Black Mountain has pulled some of the best talent to collaborate on […]

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