April 4, 2013 Andy Cush

A team of MTA workers rolls back the tape on the newly-opened (old) South Ferry station. Look how clean! (Photo: MTAPhotos/Flickr) […]

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Marina Galperina

Hey, girl. ANIMAL’s co-pigeoneer and Vine ally Allison Bagg (sup, Vine?) has made you something real special. Shh! Shh… Don’t say anything. This is what the loop was made for. Introducing: The Ryan Cat.   […]

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Julia Dawidowicz

Nothing tops off a wild night on the town like a nice, long, public pee. But as many intrepid squat-poppers have learned the hard way, public urination can also be a total buzz kill if a police officer catches you mid-release. Worry no more: Courtesy of Gothamist, here is an interactive map that shows where […]

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Andy Cush

To create these vaguely unsettling images, sculptor Nathan Sawaya and photographer Dean West augment staged but otherwise realistic scenes with an extra shot of artifice in the form of hyperrealistic LEGO sculptures. In the image above, it’s the cute little dog and the mannequin in the window. Each photo presents an archetypically American scene–the trenchcoated […]

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Marina Galperina

“There’s some trademark violation going on, obviously. Whatever.” F.A.T. artist Aram Bartholl’s talking about Evan Roth’s project Ideas Worth Spreading. Pop on a headset, pop in your own Powerpoint or just stand next to the giant red “TED” and it’s your TED Talk. Sup? It’s an all F.A.T. international reunion at the Eyebeam Art+Technology Center’s Lindsay Howard-curated […]

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Bucky Turco

Like most tenants in New York City, there’s lots of shit I’m willing to put up. Faulty door buzzers, loud steam pipes, and even the lack of a bonafide super fails to rouse me at this point. However, this recently posted notice about our very unfriendly mailboxes is enough to infuriate even the most laid […]

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Julia Dawidowicz

Japan’s legendary photographer Daido Moriyama is having his “largest and most comprehensive exhibition” in the US at Steven Kasher. An installation for “DAIDO MORIYAMA: Now and Now” was specifically designed by the photographer himself. The show spans throughout the influential artist’s career, from his iconic 1970’s classics to newer works, like his recent series of silkscreen-on-canvas prints. […]

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Kyle Chayka

Good news today for both Apple’s iMessage and the neighborhood drug dealer. The messaging service which allows users to send texts, sexts, photos, videos and group messages over Wi-Fi, 3G and LTE networks as an alternative to standard text messaging has provided quite a challenge for the Drug Enforcement Agency’s surveillance. An iMessage from one iPhone to another has proven to be nearly impossible to […]

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Kyle Chayka

As if James Franco wasn’t busy enough, working with Marina Abramović on a documentary, etc, etc, etc, he’ll be performing an art this Sunday at MoMa PS1. While still reeling over the widespread success of Spring Breakers, the performance is said to be based off of Chekov’s The Seagull, featuring a combination of theater, dance, video, live and prerecorded music, […]

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Andy Cush

Each week in Sample Wars, we’ll pit two songs which sample the same source material head-to-head against each other, to determine which one rocked the sample better. To mark this week’s release of Wolf, Tyler, the Creator’s third album, we’re reaching back to the rapper’s debut. Bastard‘s “Odd Toddlers” draws extensively from “Huit Octobre 1971” by the French fusion […]

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