These warped, surreal images demonstrate what happens to 35mm nitrate film clippings after decades of decomposition. The frames, mostly from cinema’s early years (1897-1915), are among the 23,491 clippings that the late Italian film historian Davide Turconi collected throughout his lifetime. The distortion of the film clippings’ subjects — now presumably dead — creates a […]
Just one day after announcing at his final State of the City address that he’d reduce the penalty for the possession of small amounts of weed, Mayor Bloomberg took to his radio show to explain why he doesn’t support full-on legalization like what’s currently happening in Colorado and Washington. Never mind the fact that small […]
Balaclavas are the shit right now. From imprisoned Russian Pussy Riot activists to the catwalk to Spring Breakers and now, to this new music video for Diplo’s “Butter’s Theme” (ft. Gent & Jawns) directed by Reuben Dangoor. But mostly, from the imprisoned Russian Pussy Riot activists. Hey, I wouldn’t push the Pussy Riot connection if that commendable butt up there wasn’t decorated with […]
It’s only natural that in this stage of the progression of the Harlem Shake meme, someone would go to Harlem and find out what its residents thought of the ersatz Harlem Shake. Surprise! They think it’s stupid and weird, because when you put your name on something and that something looks like “humping,” as one […]
Cab Roulette is a recurring series in which comedian Dan Speiser interviews cab drivers about their experiences on the job. This is Abraham, an Egyptian youth studying in the U.S. who considers the Muslim Brotherhood to be brainless. Episode 1: Abdulai Episode 2: Tony Episode 3: Adama Episode 4: Santos Episode 5: Sam Episode 6: […]
Swedish artist Gunilla Klingberg highlights the intersection of capitalism and religion in her Wheel of Everyday Life, an installation currently on display at Rice University’s Rice Gallery. The piece, a giant mandala composed of repeating brand logos, gets at how consumer-facing corporations have infiltrated our daily rhythms. “My intention is to make a work..that invades the space […]
Hey, Dinos. Didn’t you promise the sounds of “a naked mole-rat plucked untimely from its snuggly basement-burrow, on its back, all squirmy, exposed to the sun’s dissecting rays” with “the industrial pulse of T/G, wilful experimentation of Stockhausen and impish playfulness of Squarepusher, but sounds like none of them.” It sounds like none of them. […]
Last fall, Angelo Carusone started a petition asking Macy’s to drop Donald Trump as a spokesperson, citing the real estate mogul’s history of sexist and race-baiting behavior. The petition quickly gained over 600,000 signatures, but Macy’s refused to budge. Now, Trump and his legal team are threatening Carusone with a $25 million lawsuit for his […]
A new analysis of MTA data by NYU grad student Carson Qing shows that the L train is every bit as busy at 1am every night of the week as it is during the traditional weekday rush hours. Qing believes the data shows that the MTA should increase service on the Canarsie-bound train, which has […]
Noting the uptick in reported rodent activity since Hurricane Sandy flushed many of the critters inland, Councilwoman Jessica Lappin is calling on the city to enact a $500,000 plan to beat back the dirty rats. “As New Yorkers, we have a certain level of tolerance for rats,” she said. “But this is a real public […]