January 14, 2013 Andy Cush

From now until April humpback whales will gather off the coast of Hawaii for mating season. In hopes of attracting their counterparts, males will sing their beautiful, eerie songs, with long, complex, repeating melodies that can last for hours on end. Since 2003, Hawaii’s Jupiter Research Foundation has been dropping waterproof microphones 60 feet into […]

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January 11, 2013 Andy Cush

Cops raided Assif Mayar’s Castro Valley, California home Tuesday, finding 34 pounds of weed and a five-foot guard caiman named “Mr. Teeth.” “We get guard dogs all the time when we search for grow houses and people stashing away all types of dope,” said Sergeant J.D. Nelson. “But alligators? You just don’t see that every day.” […]

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January 10, 2013 Andy Cush

After we posted about this high-speed, six-legged, cockroach-inspired cardboard robot yesterday, Duncan Haldane, the VELOCIRoACH’s creator, got in touch to share the above image and a few more details about the bot’s construction and inspiration. Haldane points out that though his cockroach isn’t the fastest robot ever–that honor belongs to Boston Dynamics’ LS3, as far […]

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