July 14, 2014 Marina Galperina

After a month of FIFA festivities, the 2014 World Cup soccer championship finally ended with the German team kicking a ball into the big ground basket. And now, to savor the tail-end of those sweet, sweet World Cup metrics, here’s a list of the most important things that happened on the internet, by the internet, […]

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July 9, 2014 Marina Galperina

Performance art diva Marina Abramović has already utilized social platforms such as Kickstarter and Reddit and celebrities like Jay Z and Lady Gaga in order to promote and fund the Marina Abramović Institute, a giant sleek space in Hudson, NY that will “will serve as her legacy and homage to time-based and immaterial art.” And yet, some of us have been surprised at her collaboration with Adidas in “restaging” Work Relation […]

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