Tag: insects
Great news for spider lovers! Due to the increasing density of Australia’s cities, spiders on the continent known for upsetting and deadly wildlife are getting even BIGGER than they already are! Even more exciting, this same phenomenon could be affecting other populous cities. Yay. University of Sydney’s Elizabeth Lowe became interested in this phenomenon when […]
A new species of wasp discovered in Thailand in 2008 were finally given a name: Ampulex dementor, a tribute to J.K. Rowling’s Dementors, the most depressing monsters of all time. The wasps have been called “soul sucking,” as their preferred method of reproduction involves stinging a cockroach to place it in a “docile” state while […]
Bad news for anyone who’s ever dealt with a roach-infested apartment: a group of scientists has discovered a strain of cockroaches that is no longer tolerant of glucose, the better to avoid our sugar-laced roach motels. According to a (thoroughly disgusting) BBC News video, the evolved bugs’ taste buds that would ordinarily respond to bitter […]