September 5, 2014 Marina Galperina

(UPDATED 1PM) Artist Tom Otterness, whose bulbous and unthreatening public art sculptures appear all over the 14th Street and 8th Avenue subway station and many other places in the city, has repeatedly apologized for shooting a shelter dog for an art project in 1977, when he was 25-years-old. He said that it was a “mistake” which caused him […]

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June 13, 2014 Marina Galperina

Finnish artist Jani Leinonen, who “executed” a Ronald McDonald statue in 2011, took on Hungary’s anti-homeless legislation by opening a fake fast food restaurant in Budapest, pointedly branded as “Hunger King.” With lines set up to separate the “POOR” and the “RICH,” the artist served fake but authentic-looking parody Burger King packages, complete with a Capitalism “coke” to homeless […]

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