November 17, 2014 Prachi Gupta

Remember back in second grade when you didn’t so much as hold hands with another kid cause he probably had cooties? Well, congratulations on getting over that fear, but now science says your cootie theory wasn’t totally invalid. Science Daily reports that as many as “80 million bacteria are transferred during a 10 second kiss,” […]

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April 19, 2013 Julia Dawidowicz

For his project Bacteriograms, Finnish photographer  Erno Erik Raitanen wanted to see if he could grow a microbiological culture on film instead of in a petri dish. The experiment was a success. The bleeding, abstract images of Bacteriograms are “self portraits,” in the biological sense: he created them by rubbing his own saliva on large-format, color negative film. Bacteriograms aren’t […]

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