Tag: symphony
Yesterday, we told you about Mamrou Samuragochi, the acclaimed Japanese composer who admitted he wasn’t actually writing his own music. It’s long been public knowledge that Samuragochi is deaf — it’s part of what gets him countless otherwise unearned comparisons to Beethoven — but now it appears that may not be true either. Takashi Niigaki, the […]
It turns out that Mamrou Samuragochi, a deaf composer who’s most famous for his work scoring video games like Resident Evil and Onimusha, um, wasn’t actually composing his music. From Japan Times: “I’ve been told that there are certain circumstances that make it hard for the person (who composed the works) to come out in public, and Samuragochi has come […]
Voyager 1 is literally the musical translation of data from the raw feeds of the legendary spacecraft Voyager 1‘s magnetometer. Meaning that if there is ever a sci-fi movie made about the Voyager 1, and this was used as the soundtrack, it would basically be the most awesomely meta score ever. Domenico Vicinanza is a […]