January 4, 2013 Andy Cush

Echo Nest developer and all-around music-hacker extraordinaire Paul Lamere’s latest creation, entitled Boil the Frog, uses algorithms to create a smooth, gradual playlist from one artist to another, no matter the genre. That means we can finally find the six degrees of separation from Taylor Swift to Tchaikovsky, Lady Gaga to Madonna, or Nazi black […]

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Marina Galperina

Fractals are only still exciting if you’re a stoned teenager, says Bruce Sterling — cyberpunk hero, sci-fi novelist and active new media commentator. Watch his digital image spike with garish clashes of color as he explains that what you found “mind-blowing and psychedelic” back in the day — because it’s “spiky” with “garish clashes of color” — has […]

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January 3, 2013 Andy Cush

“The smartphone is the 21st-century pet, and we are just making that crystal clear with Hatch,” says the creator of your new favorite app, of the way we shower attention on our iPhones. “A great pet relationship is already there, and we’d like to bring that out.” And how do they play on doing that? […]

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