September 3, 2014 Rhett Jones

You’ve had this late night conversation with a friend. At least, you’ve seen Back To The Future. And you’ve wondered, “What would happen if I went back in time and killed my grandfather?” Scientific American reports that according to recent studies, you would probably be ok. Basically, scientists figure that you could theoretically travel to the future, because you’re always moving forward […]

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May 7, 2014 Marina Galperina

Rob Noisi has been building a time machine for a very long time, obsessively filing out the flourishes in this faux-Victorian construction. Physicist and author Ronald Mallett has been researching the mechanics and mathematics of time travel for a very long time. These are the subjects of Jay Cheel’s new documentary How To Build A Time […]

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April 23, 2014 Andy Cush

There’s a minor kind of magic that happens every once in a while when you’re using Google Street View. You’re stepping along when all of a sudden the landscape drastically changes — buildings change hands, gentrification marches on, natural disasters happen. Because of the patchwork way in which Google sends cameras out to update its […]

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