April 8, 2014 Marina Galperina

“I don’t really associate with urban explorers, but I think I do more than photography,” 2e says. It’s midnight, snowing a bit, and 2e is biking towards the abandoned warehouses in Greenpoint. Later that night, he’ll climb a smoke stack on top of the Domino Sugar Factory and poke around the Underbelly Project. But at […]

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September 11, 2013 Aymann Ismail

There’s a lot of talk about the limitatons of Citi Bikes: they’re heavy, people say, they’re slow, and they’re more suited to boring workday commutes than cycling that’s exciting in any way. In the spirit of testing those supposed limits, we asked street BMX king Tyrone Williams–co-owner of Chinatown bike shop Dah Shop and Animal […]

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April 24, 2013 ANIMAL

Jimmy McMillan, the political candidate whose slogan represents the one issue that all New Yorkers can agree on–that the rent is too damn high–is running for mayor. ANIMAL isn’t in the business of endorsing candidates, but we did want to help him get that message out. Watch the video and download the anthem for free! […]

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