Bloomberg Is Pretty Mellow About Delayed Sandy Aid

January 3, 2013 | Andy Cush

Yesterday afternoon, Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie gave a scathing speech addressing the House’s decision to delay voting on a Hurricane Sandy relief package until after the current term expires, invoking Hurricane Katrina, calling out fellow Republican House Speaker John Boehner by name, and labeling the whole fiasco “disgusting.” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo gave a less impassioned but equally bummed-out statement, calling Congress’s failure to act “inexcusable.” It was awesome.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, ever the pragmatist, was markedly less fired up. “You know, democracy is something that takes a while to come together and to get the results,” he said. “As long as it turns out that we get the monies that we think are appropriate for the federal government to send to a part of the country that’s had a major natural disaster, all’s well that ends well.”

A preliminary vote to give money to the National Flood Insurance Program will happen Friday, while the rest of the aid won’t be voted on until January 15th, two and a half months after the storm made landfall in New York and New Jersey.

(Photo: Center for American Progress/Flickr)