This Sex Toy Jewelry Collection Is Very Classy

May 28, 2013 | Julia Dawidowicz

At last, something delicate and feminine for the refined masturbator. This lovely jewelry collection also doubles (quadruples?) as a set of sex toys. Fed up with the phallic-shaped dildo’s dominion over the sex toy industry, a team of female Italian designers created Ménage à Quatre to offer independent women a hands-on approach to self stimulation. The ergonomically designed rings are made of silver and silicone.

While Ménage à Quatre still has to make about $25,819.00 before reaching their fundraising goal on Indiegogo, the team guarantees that for three dollars, they will wink at a stranger on your behalf. Cute.

PS: The girl behind this project sweetly wrote me asking if she could use some Hysterical Literature orgasm noises for her teaser video,” Clayton Cubitt tells us. “So I said ok.” Small world. Small, sexy world.