STEHER: A Short Film About Motor-Paced Bike Racing

June 19, 2013 | Kyle Chayka

Steher racing is a special type of bike racing event where track cyclists ride within the slipstream of specially-equipped motorcycles referred to as dernys. It’s similar to keirin 競輪 / ケイリン races, which have been wildly popular in Japan for decades, but instead of cyclists riding behind one driver on a single derny, each cyclist rides behind their own driver.

This method of competition is often quite intense, as cyclists jockey for position at relatively high speeds (up to 60 mph), all while trying to control their fixed gear bikes and not cause pileups on the velodrome between fellow cyclists and derny riders. Directed by Adrian Winkler, the beautiful-looking short film STEHER is a peek into the NASCAR-like races.

You can watch STEHER on Friday, June 28th at 7:00pm at the Bicycle Film FestivalKeep up with BFF 2013 on Facebook, check out the full schedule, and stay tuned for more festival highlights.