Colorado Town Wants to Give Licenses to Shoot Down Drones

July 17, 2013 | Andy Cush

The town of Deer Trail, Colorado hates drones, and has a plan to make sure no robotic eyes in the sky are snooping on its citizens’ lives: guns! We’re all for allowing people to protect themselves against surveillance, but this just seems insane: an ordinance proposed by Deer Trail resident Phillip Steel would allow the town to issue “drone hunting” licenses and a $100 reward to people anyone who shoots down unarmed aerial vehicles.

“We do not want drones in town,” Steel said. “They fly in town, they get shot down.”

According to Fox News, and the AP, officials “say the ordinance is mostly symbolic. They also recognize it’s against federal law to destroy federal property.” Meaning the legislation is toothless against CIA, NSA, or FBI (and probably police) snooping–it would only allow residents to shoot down hobbyist and commercial quad-copters, even though it only specifies rewards for UAVs “whose markings and configuration are consistent with those used on any similar craft known to be owned or operated by the United States federal government.”

Anybody for a drone-hunting trip out west this summer?